Life in your Spaces Is About Learning to Live Authentically
Good Living Ingredients
What kind of energy does your day require? Start your day with flavorful veggie and nut fuel and see what a difference it makes!
Empower Your Child from Birth With the Language You Use in Your Home
From pacifiers to heart-to-hearts, the language and methods you employ to communicate with your child build their life soundtrack. It can be empowering or unplugging. How can you increase the impact of your home on your child’s life? Simple shifts in thoughts and speech can make a world of difference.
Replace Praise with Gratitude - It’s Practically Parenting Magic
Are you ready to end the obedience/responsibility struggle with your children? Buckle up for a season of happiness! It’s up to parents to change the dialogue while children are learning responsibility. It may be easier than you think to help your children abandon complaining and do their chores!
Crack the Happiness Code: Prepare and Parenting Gets Easier
Conquer parenting overwhelm with this simple step that can impact moments, days, weeks, and ultimately lifetimes, for the better. Happiness is a choice, and choosing preparation is a powerful, high return option. Read more to see how easy this portable aid can help you.
Safety - As a Guide
One core parenting principle that can improve a day at home, work or school, and home again, with relative ease, is Safety.
If you were more concerned with your role in creating a safe environment to experience, make an error, learn, try again, do better, and feel loved and of worth, how could your family dynamic change? How would your work hours better support your home life?
Little Forever Beginnings
Excitement, love, visions of joy, all infiltrate the minds, hearts, conversations, and more of parents anticipating their first child,. …and their second, and every child they bring into the world. Some carry more anxiety, some more confidence. Luckily, just about guaranteed all parents feel both, regardless of their circumstances. We are all in this together.
If Your Schedule’s In Charge, Take Back the Reins!
Overwhelmed, overstressed, overworked? Most who daily live these conditions yearn for change. The secret to what can and should change is found in sitting with these emotions rather than running from them, and listening.